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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Personalise learning with BYOD

We are typically seeing this approach mainly by the secondary school and FE sectors.   A school's BYOD policy can include either purchasing devices for the students to use at school and home, which creates a parity so those on low-income aren't disadvantaged, and/or students would have the option to bring in their own smartphones or tablets, for use on class projects.

The benefits of BYOD includes a more collaborative, personalised learning experience for the student and we can support and assist you with the best options and also how to integrate other technologies. 

Importantly, to ensure safeguarding, we can advise on secure connections whether to the internet, network or webfiltering.  In addition, wifi printing and applications such as class voting systems could also be incorporated if required.  Integrate the devices with technologies such as a class LED touchscreen display and combine this with WordWall or similar software to create great learning opportunities and supportive applications in line with the curriculum.

Our team can also assist with sourcing the best devices for you and your pupils whether you need Windows or Apple hardware, and recommend solutions to meet your teaching and learning requriements.

For further information visit:  'The Practical Guide that will get you thinking about BYOD' by Microsoft Education


NCI have been invaluable enabling fantastic developments in teaching and learning. Previously, we lost internet connection frequently, restricting multimedia use and data sharing but the service is now reliable and faster. Safe, controlled web filtering for all devices now supports teachers and students using iPads and smartphones for research in lessons.

Michele Bacchus, Director of Business and Finance
Sir James Smith's Community School

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