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St. Marks CofE Primary School

NCI steps into secure school’s data and supplies new technology allowing staff to work more efficiently and students easy access to the latest Edtech!

St Mark’s C of E school is situated in Morwenstow, the most northerly parish in Cornwall. The primary school has 85 children ranging from Reception to Year Six. Pupils at the school are encouraged to develop a curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and to contribute positively to the local community.

How NCI supported St. Marks CofE Primary School

  • Maintenance support contract
  • New PCs and screens for school’s ICT suite
  • New staff PCs and laptops
  • Interactive smart-board screens
  • New server

St. Marks CofE Service Icons

St. Marks CofE Primary School Quote


St Mark’s is now equipped with a robust support package and reliable server in order to facilitate teaching and learning as well as providing the peace of mind that the school’s data is safe and secure. With practical advice from NCI the school was able to upgrade their ICT equipment for both pupils and teachers. This has allowed pupils to thrive through creative lessons that utilise fully up-to-date PCs and interactive screen technology, making learning enjoyable for all.


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